IT Acquisitions Management
IMAT 637 | 3 Credits
Course Desc: A study of management practices related to the acquisition of IT systems, components, and services. Emphasis is on the importance of enterprise strategic planning and the concomitant IT strategic planning. Issues related to the development of the IT acquisition plan, financial planning and budgeting, integration of the proposed acquisition within the overall goals of the enterprise, and related IT program management are examined in the context of overarching management challenges. Federal IT systems, contract and procurement policies, and procedures provide examples for analysis of concepts with wider relevance.
Internet Multimedia Applications
IMAT 639 | 3 Credits
Course Desc: A study of multimedia presentations as essential, strategic components of an organization's competitive web presence. Established principles of software development, aesthetics of typography and layout, benchmarking, and usability engineering are used to analyze websites and write successful site development plans. Emphasis is on basic web page design techniques. Topics include standards for representing common media formats, compression algorithms, file format translation tools, hardware requirements and standards, system constraints, Java, CGI scripts, and virtual reality. Assignments require building a portfolio of rich media content.
Informatics Capstone
IMAT 670 | 3 Credits
Course Desc: Prerequisite: 30 credits in the program. A capstone study of emerging and current technologies, as well as some eternal verities in IT management, that integrates, and augments concepts previously studied. Topics vary and may include aligning IT with the strategic goals of the enterprise, leadership in IT, software psychology in the design of user interfaces, geographical information systems, building and managing internet communities, technology to ameliorate the digital divide, managing an enterprise's IT portfolio, and the social impact of information policy decisions.
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