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Course Listings

Foundations of Teaching for Learning

EDTP 600 | 6 Credits

Course Desc: Preparation for effective entry into the classroom as a teacher. Topics include teaching in the contemporary school; human development; approaches to learning, diversity, and collaboration beyond the classroom; learners with exceptional needs; curriculum, instruction, and assessment; teaching in the content area; and synthesis and application. Course materials and assignments focus on documents created and/or typically utilized by school systems and incorporate current school district initiatives. School district personnel may participate as guests.

Adolescent Development and Learning Needs

EDTP 635 | 6 Credits

Course Desc: Prerequisite or corequisite: EDTP 600. Preparation to support the unique development of adolescents from various backgrounds, with varying beliefs and abilities. Learners are examined from the standpoint of developmental characteristics; social, cultural, racial, and gender affiliation; socioeconomic status; religious influences; learning styles; special needs; and exceptionality. Adolescents are also examined from biological, psychological, cognitive, and social perspectives; within the tapestry of their family and community; and through the influences of societal and cultural norms. Discussion covers theories and concepts associated with human growth and development across the lifespan, focusing on the typical and atypical development of the adolescent.

Reading and Multiple Literacies

EDTP 639 | 6 Credits

Course Desc: (Formerly EDRS 610.) Prerequisites: EDTP 600 and EDTP 635. A study of the essentials of literacy for middle and high school classrooms, including design principles for guided inquiry, self-directed learning, collaboration, and effective use of media to meet the needs of diverse learners in the 21st century. Discussion covers purposes and types of reading, assessment, cognitive strategies in reading, reading strategy instruction for constructing meaning from text, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivational strategies. Topics include essential competencies for teaching and learning content area reading and the new literacies and for applying and adapting them to diverse learners and learners with exceptionalities. Competencies developed include use of evidence-based instructional strategies, formative and summative assessment, critical thinking, technology as a tool for learning, and literate environments. Focus is on the importance of research, collaboration, and self-assessment for the professional development of teachers.

Subject Methods and Assessment

EDTP 645 | 6 Credits

Course Desc: (Prerequisites: EDTP 600 and 635. EDTP 645 only offered in Fall and Spring terms.) An introduction to instructional strategies and curriculum for teaching secondary content that emphasizes effective instruction based on understanding assessment and how assessment informs effective instruction. Topics include development of comprehensive assessment strategies and their interrelationships with creation of learning objectives, selection of instructional techniques, and preparation of instructional plans. Current trends in secondary school structures, issues of traditional and authentic assessments, and teacher effect on student achievement are explored. Focus is on meeting individual needs and using content knowledge to inform instructional practice by drawing on knowledge gained through previous study and knowledge bases that reflect current research and best practices in secondary content areas.

Professional Internship and Seminar

EDTP 650 | 6 Credits

Course Desc: Prerequisites: EDTP 600, EDTP 635, EDTP 645, and EDTP 639 . An opportunity to apply the concepts, techniques, methods, and theories learned in previous coursework and field-based experiences through a professional internship. Internship activities require completing observations, activities, and clinical practice in an approved secondary classroom appropriate for the selected content area certification, under the supervision of a school-based mentor teacher and a university field supervisor. An ongoing seminar establishes a learning community that assures a continuing support system and provides a forum for feedback and discussion of common readings, experiences, questions, and issues. An electronic portfolio is completed.

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